Track Manager, Session Chair, and Speaker Coordinator Responsibilities

This document outlines the responsibilities and processes involved in the coordination of speakers, track managers, and session chairs. It includes details on early communications, roles, schedules, onsite coordination, and session chair guidance.

Early Communications

Speaker Coordinator (Taylor Gott) will notify speakers of their acceptance into a specific track and introduce them to their Track Manager from early to mid-February. Speakers will receive general information about hotel reservations, the schedule for onsite speaker coordination meetings (8:45 am on April 17 for Day 1 speakers or 4:45 pm for Day 2 speakers), the requirement to use their own laptops for presentations, and further details from the Track Manager by late February.

Roles of the Track Manager and Session Chairs

Each classroom will have two key roles: the Track Manager and the Session Chair. The Track Manager oversees onsite AV logistics and ensures the collection of attendance sheets and proper equipment setup for presentations. Ideally, a Track Manager is part of the planning team and familiar with eChemExpo. The Session Chair interfaces with attendees, records attendance, introduces the speaker, and ensures timely session starts and ends. While expertise in the seminar’s subject is ideal, a keen interest suffices. Track Managers may also serve as Session Chairs or delegate these duties as needed.


Track Manager Responsibilities:

Mid to Late February: Following introductions by the Speaker Coordinator, the Track Manager takes over communication with the speakers to provide directions, hotel information, and confirmation of personal computer use with an HDMI adapter. Additional AV requests may incur extra costs. It’s also crucial to ensure session chairs know how to connect to projectors and audio systems.

Mid March: Verify the available projector’s details and whether the room supports audio playback through built-in speakers.

Onsite Coordination Meetings & Logistics

April 17 Overview:

  • 8:00-8:45 am: AV Coordination for Track and Session Chairs with the AV Team.
  • 8:45-9:15 am: Day 1 Speakers/Panelist Meeting with Track/Session Chairs for familiarization with presentation setups.
  • 9:00 am: Registration and Exhibitor setup begin.
  • 10:00 am: Conference start with concurrent featured panels.
  • 4:45-6:00 pm: Reception for Day 2 speakers.

Additional Details:

  • Track Managers must attend the AV training at 8:00 am in the Marriott’s Fireside Lounge. Post-training, badges can be collected from the registration desk.
  • Ensure both Day 1 and Day 2 speakers are comfortable with their presentation setups, including video and audio requirements.
  • Inspect the presentation room before departure for any discrepancies.

Recap for Track Managers & Session Chairs

Ensure familiarity with AV equipment to assist speakers. Bring a remote mouse or presentation controller with extra batteries if possible. Meet each speaker before their presentation to offer support with AV setup.

Note: Essential last-minute items, such as duct tape and 3-way adapters, will be available at the AIChE booth for unforeseen needs.

Session Chair Guidance for Each Session

  • Assist in connecting the speaker’s computer to the projector.
  • Offer a remote presentation controller, if available, and ensure the return of the controller and any adapters at the end of the session.
  • Provide timing cues to speakers for session management.
  • Start with a brief welcome and session title announcement.
  • Inform PDH candidates about certificate collection procedures.
  • Emphasize the public nature of discussions, prohibiting proprietary or confidential information.
  • Introduce the speaker clearly.
  • Your watch may be a little fast or slow; call the time limit according to your phone timer.
  • Repeat these steps for each session.
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