TRACK 2 – Designing for a better future

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Andrew Mohr, Consulting & Engineering Services (CES) Manger, TLV Corportation

Since its first release in the year 2000, the API Recommended Practice 581 has provided methodology for performing Risk Based Inspection (RBI) on petrochemical plant assets such as pressure vessels and piping, storage tanks, heat exchanger tube bundles, and pressure relief devices. The forthcoming release of API 581 (4th Edition) will now include and address RBI for steam system assets such as steam traps, mechanical pumps, control valves, steam lines, steam turbines, heat exchangers, distillation tower/columns, steam assisted flares, and steam tracing systems. This presentation will introduce the concept of RBI of steam system assets, as well as provide specific examples of conducting RBI on steam system assets using TLV’s Steam System Risk Mitigation (SSRM®) program and software. The presentation will show how energy + reliability + productivity impact can be quantified when evaluating steam system assets for maintenance and capital improvement projects.

What attendees will learn:

  • How to perform Risk Based Inspection on steam system assets
  • How to quantify Risk associated with a steam system asset
  • Changes forthcoming to API Recommended Practice 581 “Risk Based Inspection” 4th Edition

Patrick Smith, Director of National Accounts & Mike Yates, Director of Engineering, The Colt Group

Colt Innovative 3D scanning tool scans have changed the Landscape of online leak repair. Allowing Colt to Create 3D modeling, and virtual simulations utilizing Colt’s 3D scanning technology enable us to plan and execute repairs with utmost precision, minimizing disruptions and optimizing repair times. 3D technology has also opened the door to a variety of repairs that just could not have been performed using traditional methods. Landing on odd geometries and reducing the size of enclosures. Also eliminating mistakes in the field Wireless, handheld & self-sufficient Colt hand help 3D scanner has changed the landscape of online leak repair.

What attendees will learn

  • Advantages of using 3D technology for obtaining field measurement.
  • The obvious one is using scans over traditional field sketches for odd or large or partial geometry.
  • It could be used in the shop to scan the finished product and compare to the design.
  • Used on Odd Geometries
  • Hard to fit Items
  • Used to obtain accurate void calculations
  • Reduces Measure-up times

David Barker, Sales Engineer – Vacuum Specialist, Flowserve

In a landscape where safety, sustainability, and operational excellence are paramount, the evolution of dry vacuum pumps into IoT-enabled solutions heralds a new era in chemical processing. This presentation delves beyond the conventional pump narrative to explore how IoT integration transform efficiency and reliability.
Attendees will gain invaluable insights into optimizing vacuum systems tailored specifically for chemical processing applications. Focusing on the practical aspects, we will navigate the complexities of managing harsh-duty processes while ensuring safety and efficiency. Discover the strategies behind selecting the right vacuum pump technology aligned with diverse process requirements. Moreover, we’ll uncover the best practices for planned maintenance and condition monitoring, empowering you to elevate the efficiency and lifespan of your vacuum systems. Join us for a journey into the future of chemical processing, where IoT integration reshapes the landscape of vacuum pump technology.

What attendees will learn:

  • Optimization of vacuum systems tailored specifically for chemical process applications.
  • Keys to managing harsh-duty processes while ensuring safety and efficiency.
  • Strategies behind selecting the correct vacuum technology based on process requirements.
  • How IoT and condition monitoring empowers you to increase efficiency and improve equipment

Torsten Koloska, Manufacturing Engineer, Thaletec GmbH

Demonstration of the influence on typical batch time, using Thaletec’s Powerbaffle technology. Explaining what main parameters have a mayor influence on heat transfer and how they can be improved, with regard to specific properties of a glass coated surface. Design features making a Powerbaffle a reliable and failsafe equipment are show. Further accessories that round off the technology are presented.

What attendees will learn

  • Learn about the basics of heat transfer on glass-lined equipment
  • Learn about the basics how glass coating is applied
  • Delve into the characteristics of Thaletec’s heat exchanger tubes
  • Lean about the profit of using a reactor with integrated Powerbaffle

Henry Travis, Technical Sales Engineer, RVT Process Equipment Inc.

RVT’s 4th generation metal random packing, RMXR, was designed with seeking the highest column performance and efficiency possible. Developed using 3D printing, prototype filling tests, and simulations of randomly bulked packed beds, comparisons to common 2nd and 3rd generation metal rings have shown promising results. Already RMXR has seen usage in industrial applications, such as SO2 removal from waste gas in scrubbing columns.

This presentation will cover RMXR’s development and production as well as the significant improvements in capacity and pressure drop of RMXR while maintaining an outstanding mass transfer efficiency in absorption and separation applications.

What attendees will learn

  • 4th Generation Random Packing Developments
  • Capacity and performance improvements in absorption and separation processes
  • Column energy efficiency improvements

Ned Espy, Technical Director, Beamex Inc.

Managing the substantial volume of data associated with your calibration processes can be a formidable challenge. However, hidden within this data are critical insights that can yield time and cost savings while guaranteeing adherence to both internal and external protocols. Merely identifying the percentage of failed calibrations or those conducted beyond their due dates represents only the surface of what’s possible. The true potential lies in your ability to forecast your team’s workload, identify devices requiring less frequent calibration, assess sensor performance relative to alternative models, and mitigate uncertainties in the calibration process. Discover how to tap into this reservoir of data, harness its potential, and enhance your operational efficiency while ensuring compliance.

What attendees will learn:

This seminar educates attendees on effectively managing the vast volume of calibration data. It highlights the importance of data insights for saving time and costs while ensuring compliance. Attendees will learn to go beyond surface-level analysis, forecasting team workloads, optimizing calibration frequency, assessing sensor performance, and mitigating calibration process uncertainties. The seminar’s goal is to improve operational efficiency by harnessing data potential, all while ensuring adherence to internal and external protocols.

David Williams, Global Business Development Manager, Berthold Technologies

In the evolving landscape of industrial instrumentation and process control, the implementation of nuclear gauge technology stands out for its exceptional accuracy, reliability, and versatility. The forthcoming presentation will explore the relative merits of nuclear gauges in comparison to conventional instrumentation techniques, with a specific focus on their application in demanding environmental conditions, such as high temperature, high pressures, toxic chemicals, etc. By emphasizing their ability to withstand severe process conditions, this presentation will examine how nuclear gauges can provide unmatched accuracy in density, level, and bulk flow measurements across various industries, such as chemical processing, mining, and oil and gas processes. Choosing the right Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) is a key part of making sure that an industrial nuclear gauge is stable and reliable, especially when it is being used to measure level or density over time. The speed, precision, and noise of the PMT have a direct effect on how well the gauge works. The signal-to-noise ratio of high-quality PMTs is better, which means that readings are more accurate and stable even in places with low radiation. Furthermore, a PMT must be able to withstand external factors like changes in temperature, electromagnetic interference, and mechanical vibrations to keep working properly in tough industrial settings. Berthold gauges are very reliable because they use more a robust PMT that is more resistant to heat and have better mechanical durability. This makes sure that they give accurate and consistent readings for long periods
of time, which is very important for process control in fields where accuracy and repeatability are very important. The distinctive capability of a PMT is to provide precise and consistent readings, unaffected by external factors including temperature, and external radiation from radiographic testing, which frequently present substantial obstacles for other manufactures.

What attendees will learn:

  • How to measure level, density, and bulk flow accurately and reliably in the most extreme process conditions without intrusion into the process.
  • How nuclear gauges work.
  • How photomultiplier tubes impact the reliability of nuclear gauges.

Michael Mancini, President, Hydro Total Solutions

Pumps represent the second largest source of energy usage in industrial plants. Strategies to optimize pumps to reduce their energy usage are critical not only in reducing reportable greenhouse gas emissions to achieve more sustainable operations, but also in increasing reliability, safety, and profitability of pump systems.

This presentation will focus on what factors influence where a pump operates relative to its most efficient operation, how to optimize a pumps to its system, and what the risks are of running equipment away from their best efficiency.

What attendees will learn:

  • How to determine where your pump is running relative to its best efficiency point (BEP)
  • How reliability is affected by operating a pump away from its BEP
  • Methods to optimize pump operation, such as using a variable frequency drive or making changes to the impeller diameter
  • How to measure the energy saved and convert this to both a monetary value and a carbon value
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