All Thursday seminars are given by Gold or Silver Innovation Leaders
Most abstracts and speaker information is provided in the Track information section below this schedule

TRACK 4 – Plant and Process Personal Safety Trends in the Process Industry

Click on seminar title below to read the abstract

Bud Dungan, President, Gastronics, Inc.

Wireless gas detection systems have emerged as critical tools for ensuring safety and efficiency in various industrial and environmental settings. This presentation provides an overview of the technology, applications, and considerations for installation of a wireless gas detection system. Furthermore, these systems offer flexibility in deployment, as they eliminate the need for extensive wiring and infrastructure, making them suitable for both temporary and permanent installations.

What Attendees Will Learn:

Overall, attendees can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of common communication protocols, installation process considerations, functionality, and benefits of wireless gas detection systems, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding the implementation of such systems in their own organizations or facilities.

Phillip Lange, Custom Projects Sales Manager, RedGuard

Traditionally, steel BRMs have been thought of as providing protection against blasts only. This presentation will highlight the misconceptions associated with steel BRMs by demonstrating steel’s advantages in protecting against multi-hazard threats. The presenter will examine data from live blast & fire testing, while also highlighting key takeaways. Participants will leave with an understanding of how steel BRMs, supported by proper testing & analysis, are an effective solution for protecting personnel and assets in industrial applications.

What attendees will learn:

  • Steel BRMS – are designed for multi-hazard protection (blast, fire, & toxic)
  • Comparison of steel BRMs with other construction types
  • Overview of testing program and why not all BRMS are created equal
  • Sliding, Anchor, & Foundation response for blast-resistant buildings, post-blast test
  • Human response for blast-resistant module occupants

Thomas Mander, Principal Engineer,BakerRisk

The catastrophic 2005 Texas City Refinery explosion caused 15 occupants in portable light wood trailers to be fatally injured. Updates to facility siting requirements since that time have resulted in owners/operators seeking alternative forms of portable building construction to mitigate a similar tragedy from occurring again. Portable blast resistant modules (BRMs) constructed from crimped steel plates are frequently used to house essential personnel near operational units. This presentation will discuss the ability of these structures to protect personnel as well as key things to consider from a facility siting perspective before ultimately selecting your protective solution. Examples will be provided from full-scale tests of light wood trailers and BRMs to highlight key aspects of structural response to the audience.

What attendees will learn:

  • Awareness of recommended practice document API RP753 for locating portable buildings
  • Portable building response in full-scale blast and fire tests (with video)
  • Pressure and duration determine how a building responds to blast loading
  • Toxic and fire risk can govern over blast in buildings close to process units

Thomas Mander, Principal Engineer, BakerRisk

Blast-resistant buildings have traditionally been quantified by the ability to resist blast loads for a prescribed level of structural damage. Focus has therefore been placed on acceptable structural damage without fully correlating this to occupant vulnerability, defined as the portion of building occupants that could experience a life-threatening injury or fatality. A solution to this issue was developed with the next generation of protective construction: the FORTRESS Defender. This is a precast concrete modular portable building designed to protect building occupants from hazardous events, including explosions, jet fires, gas ingress, debris projection, and severe weather conditions. This presentation will provide an overview of the FORTRESS Defender protective capabilities, demonstrated through test videos of vapor cloud explosions, high explosive detonations, and impact testing that FORTRESS Defender endured.

What attendees will learn:

  • Ability of precast concrete to resist blast loads.
  • Non-structural debris can contribute to occupant vulnerability.
  • Designing for multi-hazard resistance per API 753 (focus beyond just blast)

Eric Bombere, Senior Solutions Consulstant, North America, Rockwell Automation

Modern standards and engineering practices for protecting people from injury around automated machinery has advanced in recent years. Applying Functional Safety standards, engineering practices and techniques provide improved worker safety and better plant productivity.

Newer and emerging standards from ANSI, ISO, IEC and others provide guidance and good engineering practices. This session will provide a survey of the approaches with practical examples.

What attendees will learn

  • Which modern standards apply for Functional Safety with Machinery
  • Compare and Contrast the approaches for Machine Safety with Process Safety and systems
  • Design and verification using both electronic/programable and electro mechanical devices
  • Examine both SIL based and Performance Level based approaches to design & verification
  • Practical Validation methods and templates

Brian Moseley, Technical RA/QA manager, SHOWA Group

Sustainability in PPE has been growing concern in the last several years driven by issues such as
microplastics, waste reduction, carbon footprint, etc. These issues are constantly making headlines
globally and companies will need to continue focusing on changes within their processes to better
serve the environment and customer demands.

What attendees will learn:

This presentation will give an overview of the items that can affect each of the individuals attending
and how they can participate in programs to help the environmental through regular daily purchases of
products they currently use while maintaining production and safety throughout the company.

Aaron Haidet, Regional Sales Manger, Motion Controls Robotics, Inc.

Learn how robotic automation can enhance your plant. Including but not limited to robotic end-of-line solutions, examine the advantages and implementation strategies of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), strategic approaches to phasing automation into existing plants operations, and lastly gain practical insights and guidance on starting the automation journey.

What attendees will learn:

  • Robotic automation end-of-line solutions
  • Where to start with robotic automation
  • Phasing robotic automation in your plant
  • Use of AGVs and AMRs
  • Examples of robotic automation

Kirk Hansen, Vice President Government & Regional Sales & Rutesh Patil, Director of Engineering, Hunter Buildings

In this presentation, we celebrate a significant milestone in the evolution of construction technology: 25 years of modular steel safety buildings and their enduring legacy of safety and reliability. Join us as we explore the robust protective capabilities that modular steel construction offers against an extensive spectrum of threats, underlining the stringent standards, extensive independent testing, and established safety record that have solidified modular steel as an industry benchmark.

What attendees will learn

  • Shelter in Place – Positive pressurization levels achieved
  • Fire Detection, Protection & Suppression
  • Varying Blast Overpressure & Duration Levels

Kirk Hansen, Vice President Government & Regional Sales & Rutesh Patil, Director of Engineering, Hunter Buildings

Join us as we delve into the myriad benefits and diverse options offered by modular steel construction, with a special focus on safety structures; blast, ballistic, fire, and environmental. Modular steel construction presents a vast array of design possibilities, allowing for versatile customization tailored to specific needs. Once assembled and sealed, the modular units seamlessly integrate to form cohesive walls, floors, and roofs, rendering it challenging to discern between modular and traditional construction methods. Modular steel buildings boast exceptional strength compared to their site-built counterparts. Engineered to withstand not only the on-site threat but also environmental hazards and the stresses of transportation and placement onto foundations, each module ensures structural integrity and resilience. Moreover, constructing offsite guarantees superior quality management throughout the project lifecycle. Manufacturing facilities adhere to rigorous quality assurance and quality control programs, featuring independent inspections and testing protocols that uphold unmatched construction quality at every stage.

What attendees will learn

  • Customization options to suit diverse needs
  • Flexibility in design for adaptable solutions
  • Versatility in deployment, offering both permanent and relocatable structures
  • Environmental benefits, with a factory-controlled process minimizing waste and reducing site disturbances
  • Expedited project timelines, with completion rates up to 30% to 50% faster than traditional construction methods
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