Silver Sponsorship is a $2700 investment and Gold Sponsorship is $5400 (plus booth space and booth package rentals). Perhaps the biggest benefit of a Sponsorship role is enhancing the perception of your company as a marketplace leader in innovation, safety & environment, digital transformation, capital effectiveness, capability enhancement, mobility & cybersecurity and other areas being addressed in the 2020 Solutions Marketplace

Silver Sponsorship automatically includes:

Prominent visibility of your company:

  • On the eChem Expo web site (Home page, Solutions Marketplace page, Conference page)
  • On site
  • In strategic promotional announcements
  • In the Technology Innovations conference

It also includes:

  • Preferred space selection
  • A 25 minute speaking position in the Technology Innovations conference
  • Special mention in the Keynote “Innovation Highlights” portion of the program
  • Special mention in the Eastman company-wide internal newsletter (Newsvine)
  • Special Benefit: The option to have a feature article written for Applied Innovation digital magazine, at a discount price of $1500 (normally $2000)

Gold Sponsorship includes all the above plus much more:

  • Special Benefit: A feature article written for Applied Innovation digital magazine.
  • More prominent visibility on the web, on-site and in strategic promotions
  • Approximately 2 minute speaking position in the Keynote Suppliers Panel (instead of special mention in the Innovation Highlights portion for Silver Sponsors)
  • Additional special coverage in the Eastman company-wide internal newsletter (Newsvine)
  • The option for a second 25 minute speaking position in the TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS conference or a single 50 minute presentation
  • Access to Knox Research and EcoChem Strategies market development consulting
  • Additional special benefits to be identified on an individual basis
  • And much more.
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