eChemExpo 2022 is updating previously developed developed featured panels and seeking abstracts for potential participants in the panels. A second Digital Transformation Panel is also being considered.   

Panel 1: Accelerating the Speed & Quality of Decision Making with Digital Transformation

Description for attendees: Join this session to learn how current and emerging systems will accelerate and enhance the speed and quality of decision making through digital transformation. Speakers from four companies will each make 10 minute presentations followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.  The panel will also address preparing employees to manage the digital divide. It’s often a matter of encouraging workers to embrace new technological tools and discard outmoded ways of doing things. With the rapidly increasing availability of new technology in manufacturing applications, the change management associated with adoption is increasingly important.

Panel 2: Making Sustainability a Reality Now

Description for attendees: This panel of four technology providers will provide snapshots of how innovative systems are being applied to help achieve sustainability objectives and a cleaner planet today.  Emerging systems and technology may transform the future of work, accelerate achievement of environmental objectives and contribute to improving the overall bottom line. Each presenter will have 10 minutes followed by structured Q & A.s Seating is limited.

Judging for the Sustainability Panel will consider the following and more: 

  • Can this technology or system make an immediate impact?
  • Is the benefit quantifiable and/or measurable?
  • Feasibility, cost, ROI


  • Invitations to submit an abstract going out on Monday, March 21 
  • Potential participant have until Wednesday, March 23 to submit their proposal(s)
  • Reviewers to make a first cut at finalization of panelists on by Thursday, March 24. Review process to continue afterwards until the panel spots are filled.

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