In News

Market research over the past four months predict a robust capital purchasing environment for 2014 and 2015. Eastman Chemical Company, for example, is projecting well over $1.0 billion in capital purchasing for 2014 and 2015. Stakeholder interviews were conducted with executives and technical managers throughout Eastman, BAE Systems Holston Plant, Nuclear Fuel Services and Wacker Polysilicon. A Market Outlook Summary will soon be posted to

The next eChemExpo event will be held in Kingsport TN on May 1, 2014. The exhibitor invitation process will begin on October 18, 2013. The 2014 theme is “Accelerate Expansion and Improvements in Manufacturing and Engineering Capabilities” with exhibitors challenged to demonstrate breakthrough developments in one or more of the following areas:
• Rapid execution
• Capital effectiveness
• Capability enhancement
• Energy efficiency
• Sustainable development

For more details visit

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