
The eChemExpo Solutions Marketplace & Technology Innovations Conference is striving to be the #1 multidisciplinary gathering, for applied innovation at the plant level, in the Americas. Our market research approach to determining real purchasing needs provides a unique value proposition for both attendees and exhibitors.

eChemExpo was launched in October 2000 by Peter Knox in conjunction with EASTMAN Chemical Company. Now in its 18th year, the 10th Solutions Marketplace Expo and 8th Technology Innovations Conference are scheduled for Thursday, April 5, 2018. A community of well over 1200 people are expected to participate, including representatives from some 200 exhibiting companies. A five track “Meet the Experts” style conference further strengthens the relevance of this important gathering. Eastman Chemical Company continues to be the anchor organization, sending over 400 participants each year since 2008. In addition to Eastman, attendees from some 50 other companies in the region will typically attend.

Focus On Relevance

eChemExpo is called a Solutions Marketplace because of the unique way in which it is developed

  • The planning process begins ten months ahead using a “Stakeholder Interviews” process to determine real capital purchasing needs for the next two year period
  • This starts with executive level stakeholders during the first month and continues over the next three months across a broad spectrum of participants, both within and outside of Eastman Chemical Company
  • The executive level interviews determine the theme and most important focus areas
  • The remaining interviews get more specific in defining the technology challenges and best in class solution providers to participate in the Expo and Conference
  • Five to seven months ahead, the exhibitor invitation process begins
  • Less than three months ahead, the new Solutions Marketplace is rolled out

The Team

Three important groups contribute to the development and success of each new Solutions Marketplace; the Planning Team, Executive Sponsors, and Collaboration Teams. The 2017 Executive Sponsors from Eastman Chemical Company include:

  • Parker Smith, Vice President & General Manager of Worldwide Manufacturing Support and Quality (retired Sept ’17)
  • Jan Shumate, Director, Worldwide Engineering and Construction Services & Solutions
  • Keith Sturgill, Vice President and Chief Information Officer
  • Cari Parker, Vice President, Chemical Intermediates Acetyls Manufacturing, & Tennessee Operations Site Leader
  • Bobby Gibbons, Vice President, Advanced Materials Manufacturing
  • Peter Miller, Vice President, Stream Development & Operations Technology

2018 Planning Team

Gene Skates
Steve Smith
Stacey Griffith
Richard Lorenzo-Arocho
Doug Giles
Lindsay Byington
Neal Whitten
Tracy Coates
Nuclear Fuel Services
Angie Palmer Jobe
Bryan Shakelford
Peter Knox
Founder, eChemExpo

2017-18 Collaboration Teams

  • The M.I.T.I.C. Team: This effort focuses challenges at the interface of Information Technology & Operating Technology. M.I.T.I.C. stands for “Mobility, Information Technology, Industrial Internet of Things, and Cybersecurity”
  • The Mechanical & Electrical Emphasis Team: This group provides input to help assure expo and conference content is relevant to the mechanical, electrical, plant engineering and maintenance professionals
  • Regional & National Outreach: To be announced
  • Professional Society Liaisons: To be announced
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