The eChemExpo Solutions Marketplace & Technology Innovations Conference has been striving to be the #1 multidisciplinary gathering, for applied innovation at the plant level, in the Americas … and we believe we have achieved that. Our market research approach to determining real purchasing needs provides a unique value proposition for both attendees and exhibitors. At a time then many trade shows and conferences are reducing in size, eChemExpo continues to experience growth.
eChemExpo was launched in October 2000 by Peter Knox in conjunction with EASTMAN Chemical Company. Now in its 25th year, the 12th Expo and Technology Innovations Conference are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, April 17-18, 2024. A community of 1200 to 1500 people are expected to register, including representatives from some 200 exhibiting companies. A two day “Meet the Experts” style conference further strengthens the relevance of this important gathering. The Expo remains one day. Eastman Chemical Company continues to be the anchor organization, sending over 400 participants each year since 2008 with a record of over 500 in 2016. In addition to Eastman, attendees from some 50 other companies in the region will typically attend.
Focus On Relevance
eChemExpo is called a Solutions Marketplace because of the unique way in which it is developed
- The planning process normally begins one year ahead using a “Strategy Interviews” and a “Stakeholder Interview” process to determine real capital purchasing needs for the next two year period.
- This process starts with executive level stakeholders or their designates during the first two months and continues over the next three months across a broad spectrum of participants, both within and outside of Eastman Chemical Company. Nuclear Fuel Services and BAE Systems have been active participants in the process for 2024.
- The executive level interviews determine the theme and most important focus areas
- The remaining interviews get more specific in defining the technology challenges and best in class solution providers to participate in the Expo and Conference.
- About eight months ahead, the exhibitor invitation process begins
- About three months ahead, the new Solutions Marketplace, Expo and Conference, is typically rolled out.
The Team
Three important groups contribute to the development and success of each new Solutions Marketplace; the Planning Team, Executive Advisors, and Collaboration Teams. For 2023 & 2024 there are ten (10) Executive Sponsors/Advisors. Nine from Eastman Chemical Company and one from Nuclear Fuel Services.
- Mark Bogle, Vice President, Operational Excellence
- Richard Bonner, Vice President, Kingsport Methanolysis Project
- Scott Brandenburg, Vice President, Worldwide Engineering & Construction
- Michelle Caveness, Vice President, TN Operations Site Leader & Global Operations Support
- Andrew Heister, Director, Global Process Safety
- Peter Miller, Vice President, Process Development & Circular Solutions
- Aldo Noseda, Vice President and Chief Information Officer
- Jan Shumate, Director, Engineering Services & Solutions
- Brian Yobst, Director, Worldwide Indirect Procurement and Center of Excellence
- Ron Dailey,President
COLLABORATION WORKING GROUP: Occupational EHS, Automation Transformation & Robotics
- Stakeholder interviews revealed the need for this new five member working group to develop new content and exhibitors to raise the bar on safety in this important new area.
2024 Planning Team