TRACK 6 – Process Technology for a Circular Economy

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Nathan Hill, Technical Sales Engineer, CALGAVIN

The use of hiTRAN Thermal System (heat transfer enhancement technology) improves several aspects of the tube side multicomponent condensation process. The main benefit is to increase sensible vapour cooling coefficient. The bespoke geometry also promotes increased turbulence in the condensate film. In addition, film and vapour mixing contribute substantially to increasing mass transfer rate. The technology is ideal in retrofit scenarios and is also used to reduce the size of new equipment. Industrial case studies are presented where hiTRAN Thermal Systems was used to increase the performance of those condensers, leading to reduced flaring and improved product recovery.

What attendees will learn:

  • Limitations of conventional multicomponent condenser design with large amounts of non-condensable.
  • Significance of heat release curves to characterise condensing processes.
  • Flow patterns of empty tube and hiTRAN enhanced two-phase condensing flow.
  • Process characteristics for a successful retrofit.
  • Revamp case studies for multicomponent condensers and associated energy savings and product

Robin Schulz, Global Technology Leader-Specialty Separations, Koch Engineered Solutions

Vacuum distillation often requires special equipment to perform, unlike standard distillation applications. Therefore, wire gauze structured packings with low liquid load distributors are often used. The interaction of these two components is essential to obtain the optimum ratio between pressure drop and separation efficiency. This optimum ratio between pressure drop and separation efficiency makes it possible to separate temperature sensitive substances with minimum degradation by exposing them to high temperatures for too long. Under certain circumstances, the classic design criteria play a subordinate role, since capacity is an important factor, especially in terms of investment costs, but separation performance with limited pressure drop is the decisive factor in ensuring product quality.

What attendees will learn:

Vacuum distillation equipment overview

  • Design Criteria of structured packings
  • Design Criteria for low liquid load distributors
  • Importance of a liquid distributor test
  • How to get optimum ratio between separation efficiency and pressure drop

Alec Newell, Consulting Supervisor, TLV Corporation

No two jacketed vessels or reactors are the same. The infinite combination of jacket and piping configurations makes standardization of steam supply & condensate drainage piping a challenge. The difficulty can be compounded when the same jackets are used for and cycled between steam heating AND water cooling. Water hammer & poor performance are often a result, leading to process inefficiencies and maintenance headaches. This presentation will explore some of the design and operating pitfalls that can arise with steam jackets and discuss the fundamental principles necessary to achieve optimized heat transfer and complete condensate drainage and recovery.

What attendees will learn
Best practices for steam supply, air venting, vacuum breaking, & condensate drainage of various jacketed vessel & reactor designs.

Frederic Blanchard, Sales Director, Sorema div. of Previero N. srl a socio unico

The purpose of the speech is to provide an overview of the water management inside Sorema plants, focusing on the role that water has on the De-Inking process. In the current environment, it is also necessary to reduce the fresh water consumption inside the plastic recycling processes. Sorema will eventually share the next developments concerning Delamination, supporting the request from the market to recycle more plastic packaging such as plastic Trays.

What attendees will learn

  • Sorema water flow concept
  • Wastewater treatment
  • De-inking process
  • Thermoforms recycling introduction
  • Delamination technology

Martin Gough, Managing Director, CALGAVIN

Optimisation of heat exchangers for efficient heat recovery in thermal processes is an important aspect to reach net zero goals. To achieve high heat recoveries in temperature cross situations, in general, the most cost-effective option is a single-pass E shell exchanger. However, the single pass E shell design is often not pursued, due to low thermal efficiency and operational challenges. The use of hiTRAN thermal systems in such designs, with up to 16times higher tube side heat transfer, leads to compact units with improved operability. This will be demonstrated in detail.

Furthermore, hiTRAN can also be used in 2-phase feed/effluent exchanger (Texas tower) here a revamp case study with large energy saving (3MW) and associated CO2 saving is shown.

What attendees will learn:

  •  Shortcomings of conventional temperature cross designs (Multi-shell, F-shell, single pass E-shell without enhancement).
  • Significance of in-tube temperature pinch, bundle flow mal distribution, transitional flow operation in
    such designs.
  • Level of heat transfer enhancement, translated into CAPEX savings, when using hiTRAN thermal
    systems in such designs.
  • Revamp options in 2-phase feed effluent exchangers.
  • Associated energy savings and CO2 reduction.

Robin Schulz, Global Technology Leader – Specialty Separations, Koch Engineered Solutions

Dividing Wall Columns are a proven technology to save a considerable amount of energy, but even today, opinion persists that dividing wall columns are only a marginal phenomenon in distillation and that even the mechanical challenges are too great to bring dividing wall columns to a wider range of applications. To counter this view, we will present a case study featuring a packed dividing wall column. This case study will show that for almost every theoretical obstacle to the design of a dividing wall column, a mechanical solution already exists which has also been tested and proven on an industrial scale.

Benefits of using dividing wall columns

  • Energy savings
  • Less investment

What attendees will learn:

  • Rules of thumb to apply a dividing wall column
  • Mechanical solutions
  • Hydraulic design
  • Start-up concerns and process

Alina Green, Technical project manager, WIKA

Amine units are systems that treat, or “sweeten”, refinery sour gas or raw natural gas by capturing and removing unwanted compounds, primarily hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2). An optimized gas sweetening process is essential for a plant’s overall efficiency and profitability. Temperature monitoring and control are necessary for operating amine units, as that is how refineries and chemical plants can prevent some of the major issues seen in amine contactor columns. Reliable temperature information and a complete temperature profile can help operators optimize their units’ performance by pinpointing where most of the heat of absorption is occurring in the column. Using this information, they can minimize and even avoid foaming, carryover, corrosion, inefficient amine filtering, and other problems. A typical contactor column has around 20 trays stacked at an equal distance from each other. A single thermocouple placed somewhere along its height provides but one data point, whereas a multipoint temperature system offers a complete temperature profile of the column. WIKA designed, manufactured, and installed multipoint thermocouple assemblies specifically for two of Chevron’s refineries. This temperature measurement solution helped the company gain insights that allow for proactive responses to avoid operational upsets. In addition, the data creates opportunities to improve energy efficiency through optimized operation.

What attendees will learn:

  • Increasing energy efficiency through optimization
  • Innovative temperature solutions
  • Column temperature profile measurement
  • Multipoint temperature assemblies

William Putman, Sales Engineer, Conco Industrial Services

Most customers typically clean their equipment for either performance or inspection, or both. There are solutions available to simplify that process that is safer, economical and efficient.

  • Discuss Heat Exchanger, Vessel/Tank and Pipe Cleaning Methods:
  • High Pressure Water (Hands Free)
  • Mechanical Cleaning using Aqua Darts (Low Pressure Water / Clean in
  • Chemical Circulation
  • Lube Oil Flushing
  • Non-Destructive Testing (Eddy Current, Remote Field Testing, IRIS and Near Field Testing).

One Proposal, One PO and One Contact!

What attendees will learn:

  • The safest, most economical and efficient ways to maintain (clean) equipment combined with preventive inspection solutions.
  • Waste Water Management
  • Hands Free Technology
  • Smaller Work Foot Print

Rajkumar Gnanaraj, NA Heat Pump Product Manager, Armstrong International, Inc.

Industrial heat pumps are a great way to electrify your thermal systems with a positive ROI. Most plants have low temperature waste heat streams that can be recaptured and used elsewhere as they still harness a lot of energy. Industrial heat pumps can generate temperatures up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit which can be used in other parts of the plant. Distillation columns in chemical plants have been identified as an application where a heat pump can be applied and will be reviewed during this session.

What attendees will learn

  • How industrial high temperature heat pumps work.
  • Coefficient of Performance (aka heat pump efficiency)
  • How the temperature difference between the waste heat source and sink effects the efficiency of the heat pump.
  • Chemical plant applications
  • Black, Gray, White box concept for understanding true process temperature requirements
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