Read all of the Innovation insights from the 2024 Featured Panels and Keynotes
Taking the Scientist out of Science
Peace of Mind for Your Plant
Intelligent Opps for the Modern Corporation
Technology to Transform the Everyday
Total Solutions
Weaving the industrial data fabric
Real time insights translated into immediate action
The reality of reducing energy consumption with heat transfer solutions.
Busting the canned motor pump myth
Canned pumps are smaller, faster, and more efficient.

eChem Expo 2024 Recap

Reflecting on a Successful Gathering in Safety, Sustainability & Operational Excellence

We’re thrilled to reflect on the incredible moments and industry insights shared at eChemExpo 2024, our 25th anniversary event! Over two days, attendees connected, learned, and explored the latest advancements in safety, sustainability, and operational excellence.

  • Networking Opportunities: The networking opportunities were a standout success, with high praise for the interactions with vendors and fellow attendees. The Expo provided an invaluable platform for making significant connections and fostering collaboration.
  • Panels and Seminars:  Day 2 sessions, including the Expo and keynote speeches, received high ratings. We had a record number of featured panels (5), all of which were very well received. Attendees spent more time in seminars and at the Expo compared to previous years, indicating a high level of engagement and interest.
  • Keynote Speeches: Both Opening and Closing Keynotes were exceptionally well-received, offering unmatched insights into the latest industry trends. Keynote speakers Al Onley and Scott Brandenburg provided thought-provoking perspectives on embracing change and creating a culture of capability and sustainability.

Event Statistics

  • Attendee Numbers: We saw a record number of first-time attendees, including both exhibitors and operating companies.
  • Session Counts: Over 70 seminars in 8 niche-specific tracks provided a wealth of knowledge and insights.

Conference Highlights:

  • Industry Leaders Share Insights on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Impacts: A panel moderated by Holli Alexander highlighted the importance of sustainability and corporate responsibility in the chemical processing sector. Jayme Leita from Eastman Chemical Company discussed their ambitious goal to decrease emissions to zero by 2050. “Sustainability means a lot for Eastman. By 2030, we’re going to cut emissions by a third.” — Jayme Leita
  • Navigating the Future of Decarbonization: The first day kicked off with pivotal panels on decarbonization and asset integrity. Lisa Lambert from Eastman emphasized the collaborative nature of these efforts, while panelists discussed various strategies for improving decarbonization and asset integrity. “Industrial companies are all on these pathways, and we are all trying to figure out how to get there.” — Lisa Lambert
  • Transformative Impact of AI on Workforce Dynamics: Moderated by Bryan Shackelford, this panel explored the impact of AI on the workforce, with insights from AVEVA, IndexAR, Valmet, and Eastman leaders on leveraging AI for business operations and workforce development.“AI should be something that interacts, and you start to see your workforce grow and develop at a faster rate from those interactions with AI.” — Jeff Fain
  • Rapid-Fire Panel on Current Trends: A rapid-fire panel featuring nine innovation leaders discussed trends from AI to sustainability. Representatives from Honeywell, Siemens, AVEVA, and others shared insights on the evolving landscape of the chemical and process industries. “It’s changing from being largely a linear value chain to a circular value chain.” — Tathagata Basu
  • Connecting People, Processes, and Technology for Operational Excellence: Moderated by Jan Shumate, this panel highlighted the integration of people, processes, and technology to achieve operational excellence. Speakers from Trackonomy Systems, AVEVA, and Siemens emphasized the importance of building a culture of performance and leveraging smart technologies. “Collaboration, which is increasingly a social thing, is how you connect the people together.” — Keith Chambers
  • Keynote Insights into Change and Sustainability Keynote speakers Al Onley and Scott Brandenburg addressed the audience on the topics of change, sustainability, and collaboration, emphasizing the importance of adapting to new technologies and creating a culture of capability and safety in the chemical industry. “The core value of innovation is change.” — Al Onley


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Accelerate Advancements in Safety, Sustainability & Operational Excellence


Survey Takeaways

Post-event surveys provided valuable insights into exhibitor and attendee opinions, highlighting the following:

  1. The event was highly successful and well-attended.
  2. The Expo Preview on Day 1 was a hit and will likely continue in future events.
  3. Attendee engagement in seminars and the Expo increased significantly.
  4. Tentative dates for the 2026 eChem Expo are set for April 21-22, overlapping with Earth Day.
  5. The expanded Feature panels were very well received.
  6. There were a record number of first-time attendees, both exhibitors and operating companies.

Looking Forward

Future Events

Tentative dates for the next eChem Expo are April 21-22, 2026. Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming Acquisition Search starting in September 2024.

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Applied Innovation

For a better idea of why eChemExpo has earned a reputation as the process industries #1 multidisciplinary applied innovation event of its kind. Applied Innovation is a digital publication highlighting the wealth of information that exhibitors and speakers are sharing in the lead up to eChemExpo 2024. If you have any questions, please contact (626) 255-6462 or send us an email.

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